Monday, 27 September 2010
Day One Hundred and Ninety-One
Day One Hundred and Ninety
Dessert was much easier to take care of...
Friday, 24 September 2010
Day One Hundred and Eighty-Nine
Day One Hundred and Eighty-Eight
Day One Hundred and Eighty-Seven
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Day One Hundred and Eighty-Six
Day One Hundred and Eighty-Five

Yes, its a lighthouse. Nothing too out of the ordinary there, but now let me tell you that we're at 6,000ft above sea level and 500miles from the coast. Yes I know it looks pretty and upon researching I found its actually a real lighthouse which was dismantled and shipped from Europe. My point is this, at least it was private sector money being spent on this useless icon rather than public sector money that gets spent on, lets say, a 20,000 seater stadium for a football team that averages attendances of just 4,500.
Day One Hundred and Eighty-Four
Day One Hundred and Eighty-Three
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Day One Hundred and Eighty-Two
Heading south, this is about the only thing worthy of noting in Oregon, a state which has an unnecessarily low speed limit, more cops than the rest of the world and is a land in which I'm not even aloud to pump my own gas!
Day One Hundred and Eighty
This was the view from a walk we took around the sea wall in Vancouver which successfully erased my previously disappointing opinion of the city!
We took a detour through Stanley Park, full of giant redwoods, on our walk back to the city centre. It a glorious park which can make you feel a thousand miles from the hustle and bustle of the city despite being less than a kilometre.
Day One Hundred and Seventy-Nine
Day One Hundred and Seventy-Eight
Day One Hundred and Seventy-Seven
Day One Hundred and Seventy-Six
Day One Hundred and Seventy-Five
Day One Hundred and Seventy-Four
Day One Hundred and Seventy-Three
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Day One Hundred and Seventy-Two
Day One Hundred and Seventy-One
Day One Hundred and Seventy
Day One Hundred and Sixty-Nine
Day One Hundred and Sixty-Eight
Day One Hundred and Sixty-Seven
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Day One Hundred and Sixty-Six
Day One Hundred and Sixty-Five
Day One Hundred and Sixty-Four

Leaving Memphis behind today we continued south toward the Big Easy. Its some drive from Memphis, we stopped at the state line welcoming us to Louisiana.
Its actually the fifth anniversary for the day when Katrina came into hit the city. Its still possible to see a lot of the damage it caused, but what is more evident is seeing that the city is and has risen again. Its a beautiful city, particularly the French Quarter. You really could be in Europe. Its a refreshing surprise to find such a strong culture in an American city, as so many others could be replicas of each other.
This is restaurant our generous host, Jimmy, took us out to this evening. A chance to experience something new too, I ate Turtle Soup!
Day One Hundred and Sixty-Three
From Beale Street to Broadway. Last night we were on Beale Street home to many talented musicians hoping to be the next great story, today we experienced the greatest story of them all. The King.

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