Saturday, 30 October 2010
Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Four
Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Three
Its been 153 days since I left England and therefore probably not much longer since I last had one of these. It wasn't quite up to the standard of the good old faithful Curry Centre in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire's oldest curry house, but (even if I do say so myself) it was pretty damn good!
....and I didn't get any complaints from my customers either!
Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Two
Day Two Hundred and Twenty-One
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Day Two Hundred and Twenty
The second is from a nearby state park called Dead Horse Point (legend has it cowboys left a corral here to die of thirst) which is an peninsula which gives spectacular views of the Colorado River and its canyons below.
Day Two Hundred and Nineteen
Day Two Hundred and Eighteen
Day Two Hundred and Seventeen
Day Two Hundred and Sixteen
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Day Two Hundred and Fifteen
The beautiful city of London on Day One.
The untouched British countryside on Day Eighteen.
The White Cliffs of Dover on Day Fifty-Seven.
The capital of America on Day Seventy-One.
The world's widest waterfall on Day Seventy-Seven.
The Michigan countryside where I worked all summer.
The Pacific Ocean reaching into Vancouver on Day One Hundred and Eighty.
The valley in the Zion canyon on Day One Hundred and Eighty-Nine.
Day Two Hundred and Fourteen
Day Two Hundred and Thirteen
Day Two Hundred and Twelve
We made the day of it so I could see the sights in what was a surprisingly small, but very pretty city. Two sister missionaries were kind enough to show Amanda and I around Temple Square, and educate me a bit more about the Mormon religion and the history of the area. It was a very insightful day.
Here's Amanda's Temple...
And here's mine...
Day Two Hundred and Eleven
Fast food, the staple diet of too many Americans! A quick internet search told me that there are over 50,000 fast food outlets in the USA where more than $100 billion is spent each year. Tonight we happily added our money and hunger to this statistic!
Day Two Hundred and Ten
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Day Two Hundred and Nine
This evening we headed out to the Pizza Factory for dinner (great pizza by the way). Upon receiving the bill and a couple of complimentary mints Amanda decided she was still hungry and asked for another mint. The generous waitress (undoubtedly searching for a good tip) came back with enough mints to last a short nuclear war....much to Amanda's delight!
Day Two Hundred and Eight
Day Two Hundred and Seven
Monday, 11 October 2010
Day Two Hundred and Six

Making the most of the sunny weather (apparently you never know when the rain might come in and decide stay for another week in Cedar City, honestly its worse than England), complete with a desire to burn off some of the all-you-can eat breakfast buffet I had in Vegas, I took the mountain bike up the, err, well up the mountain strangely enough.
A hardcore 45 minute uphill climb was well worth it for the view of Cedar City in the setting sun and the 5 minute decent down the mountain that made me happily feel about 10 years old!
Day Two Hundred and Five
Day Two Hundred and Four
Day Two Hundred and Two

You may be forgiven to thinking I've posted yesterday's picture again. Truth is the storm is really bugging me now, although its starting to ease off and we can at least see some of the mountain now. Its still cold and gloomy though and I'm in need of a snug place like this: Day Sixty
Day Two Hundred and One
Monday, 4 October 2010
Day One Hundred and Ninety-Nine
Day One Hundred and Ninety-Eight
Its a land far far away from the days of my youth spent mountain biking in Burnham Beaches. Far from a time when I was pretty much fearless, where I would cycle up to the forest hoping to catch a glimpse of Kevin Costner filming the lastest Robin Hood movie, where I'd happily disappear for an entire day with my mates from the estate, and willingly launch our mountain bikes of near vertical slopes and hope for the best.
Twenty years on I'm taking it much more easy, cycling around the beautiful Navajo Lake in Dixie National Forest, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't take a moment and close my eyes to dream back to the days in Burnham Beaches.

Day One Hundred and Ninety-Seven
Friday, 1 October 2010
Day One Hundred and Ninety-Six
Day One Hundred and Ninety-Five
Mountain biking! This evening we donned our biking gear and heading out for a cycle. Its far cry from when I used to cycle (aka dodge crazy commuters) on my way to work in Slough. We took a pretty gentle route just out of town. It was so nice to be out of the town and into the countryside, the scenery around here is pretty awesome and I've already noticed how easy it is to take for granted. We're pretty lucky to be in this area of the world and here's proof that we did make the most of it rather than just pose my the truck with the bikes!
Day One Hundred and Ninety-Four
Day One Hundred and Ninety-Three
The street naming system here in Cedar (and I'm lead to believe, the whole of Utah) work a bit differently. Instead of naming the streets, like every other place in the world, each road is numbered by its distance from the main street (or in larger cities distance from the temple). Now, that's pretty logical I thought and fortunately I'm pretty good at maths so its actually made it pretty easier to find my way around. (I often imagine people who can't add or subract number easily must spend hours driving aimlessly around the town trying to get home from work each day. Maybe its modern day natural selection.)
Anyway, leaving the mathematically challenged aside, I think this is a pretty good system as you'll always know where you are in town, no need for a GPS here. I also like it because its different, ok it probably does exist elsewhere in the world, but my point is its not common and it stands out. At least it did until I saw this...
Freedom Boulevard? Yes, it turns out the second major street in town has been given a second name, its not so unique and very common. With imagination like that, my money is on the next two major streets built in the city to be called Liberty and Independence!
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