Saturday, 26 March 2011

...and that was my year

Its been absolutely fantastic photographing a whole year of my life. At times it was easy, at others it was pretty difficult. There are probably few too many photos of food and football than I would have liked but I supposed its understandable to not find overwhelming inspiration every day! I did however take over four thousand photos and had just under five thousand hits on my blog.

One week on since I've stopped taking photos, and I've noticed there were definitely a few habits I got into. The day after my birthday I went out with my Dad and took my camera with for no apparent reason and at least twice in the last week I've seen something to which I thought "That would make a great photo for the day".

I probably picked one of the most eventful years in my life to record with photos. I've been to 8 different countries, spending over half of it outside the UK. I've crossed international borders 14 times and been on 9 flights taking me into the eastern and the western hemisphere, the northern and the southern.

I've made some great friends, said goodbye to others many and hello to more. Most of all, I found the girl of my dreams.

Each time I look through my blog, I pick a new favourite photo or moment. It changes all the times, so for now at least, here's my top 50.

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